Busy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and Activity

Busy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and Activity
Busy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and ActivityBusy Bee Word Study Smartboard Lesson and Activity
Price: $2.00

Busy Bee Word Study Smartboard lesson and HTML Game is two educational applications in one! The  Smartboard lesson introduces word phonemes with practice that will help children identify words with short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, blends, final blends, double consonants, and controlled r words. This app is presented in a game format to motivate and excite children who are developing their reading skills. There is a FREE Busy Bee Word Study HTML Link to play the game online that has no advertisements. This is a great whole group activity for the class and can be used as a center activity as well. 

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