Rounding to the Closest Ten Scoot Game This game of SCOOT is a great way for your students to practice their mathematical skills in: Finding the Closest Ten, using greater than, less than & equal to concept, applying vocabulary before, after and between, and identifying numbers using tens and ones.
DIRECTIONS: Place one task card at each student's desk. There are 32 cards. You can vary the game and use the exact number of students, have two rounds, or even play the game in two parts or days. There are 32 task cards. The students carry the blank Scoot prove-it sheet with them from desk to desk and fill-in the answer to their task question in the corresponding number box.
Playing the game: When the teacher says, "SCOOT!" each student moves on to the next desk or numbered task card. You can use a timer to have your students SCOOT. How do the students move? If a student starts on task card # 32 the next card would be #1. Let’s say you only used 18 task cards, their next task card would be #1.
After game: When the game is over, collect the prove-it sheets to assess your students’ performance. A complete answer key is provided.
Task Card Skills
# 1-13 Rounding to the Closest Ten
#14-18 Before, After, & Between
#19-28 Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
#28-32 Identify numbers using tens and ones.