Story Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google Slides

Story Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google Slides
Story Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google SlidesStory Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google Slides
Price: $2.00

Story Mountain Mini Lesson and Graphic Organizer with Google Slides

    In this mini-lesson the students use their Readers Toolkit to analyze the narrative plot structure of a story they have read using the Story Mountain Anchor Chart. The Story Mountain shows how the tension builds through the story events.The main character in their stories travels along a story mountain. Readers expect that a character will face a problem that gets bigger and bigger, then reaches a turning point, and is resolved in the end. This lesson is presented to the student through Google Slides or a printable pdf file.

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